Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Mr. Zartler introduced a comprehensive grading policy for Wood Technology. It will be available as part of the syllabus when the syllabus is approved and posted.

Introduction to Wood Technology Grading Policy:

·       The Wood Technology Class is a Career and Technical Education class; students will be evaluated on appropriate Career Learning Standards http://www.ode.state.or.us/teachlearn/standards/crls/newerpg31acarrellearn.pdf . These standards include: Personal Management; Problem Solving; Communication; Employment Foundations; and Career Development.
·       As a production based class, participation, procedures and protocols are vital to student success and safety. Students will receive a daily grade based on implementing Career Learning Standards as measured by: regular attendance; application of skills and knowledge; collaboration and independent work; responsibility for the machines, tools, and physical space (including cleaning and organizing); and production of projects.
·       Producing excellent projects does not guarantee a high grade, and students who consistently follow best practices and procedures, but who are diligent in process and may earn an “A”.

Students MUST past safety tests and a safety check on each power tool or machine that they are to use in class. These safety tests are vital because they are a prerequisite for independent work in the class. Students may have multiple opportunities and multiple pathways to demonstrate their knowledge of safe procedures.

Grade Calculation:
·       Daily Career Related Standards: 70%
o   Each Student is eligible for 5 points each class period. Unexcused absences will result in 0 points for the missed class.
§  1 point – On time; prepared with appropriate materials; appropriate clothing and footwear.
§  4 points – Working independently and collaboratively; following shop rules and protocols for safety and material use; using time efficiently. These standards are similar to our Generals Lead Philosophy of Live to Learn; Engage with Purpose; Advocate for Self and Others; and Demonstrate with Passion.
·       Final Projects and Academic Work: 20%
o   Students are encouraged to keep a notebook.
o   Major projects will be evaluated for evidence of following and implementing the plan, and for knowledge of the properties of the materials used.
·       Safety Tests: 10%
o   All students MUST pass the safety test and demonstration for each tool or machine that they use in the shop. Students may pass the tests in a variety of form; please see the instructor for options when needed.
Classroom/Rehearsal Rules and Expectations:
·       NO CELL PHONES for texting social media etc. Use for appropriate data retrieval, documentation, etc. is acceptable (infraction = loss of 1 daily point.)
·       Students will be on time, with a pencil, and in appropriate clothing for work.
·       Students will show respect for themselves and others in class at all times.
·       Students will exhibit positive and supportive behavior at all times.
·       Students will not bring food or drink into the classroom, except water.

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