Mr. Zartler introduced a comprehensive grading policy for Wood Technology. It will be available as part of the syllabus when the syllabus is approved and posted.
Introduction to Wood Technology Grading
As a production based class,
participation, procedures and protocols are vital to student success and
safety. Students will receive a daily grade based on implementing Career
Learning Standards as measured by: regular attendance; application of skills
and knowledge; collaboration and independent work; responsibility for the
machines, tools, and physical space (including cleaning and organizing); and production
of projects.
Producing excellent projects does not guarantee
a high grade, and students who consistently follow best practices and
procedures, but who are diligent in process and may earn an “A”.
Students MUST past
safety tests and a safety check on each power tool or machine that they are to
use in class. These safety tests are vital because they are a prerequisite for independent
work in the class. Students may have multiple opportunities and multiple
pathways to demonstrate their knowledge of safe procedures.
Grade Calculation:
Daily Career Related Standards: 70%
Each Student is eligible for 5 points
each class period. Unexcused absences will result in 0 points for the missed
§ 1 point – On time; prepared with appropriate materials; appropriate
clothing and footwear.
§ 4 points – Working independently and collaboratively; following shop
rules and protocols for safety and material use; using time efficiently. These
standards are similar to our Generals Lead Philosophy of Live to Learn; Engage
with Purpose; Advocate for Self and Others; and Demonstrate with Passion.
Final Projects and Academic Work: 20%
Students are encouraged to keep a
Major projects will be evaluated for
evidence of following and implementing the plan, and for knowledge of the
properties of the materials used.
Safety Tests: 10%
All students MUST pass the safety test
and demonstration for each tool or machine that they use in the shop. Students
may pass the tests in a variety of form; please see the instructor for options
when needed.
Classroom/Rehearsal Rules and
NO CELL PHONES for texting social media etc. Use for appropriate data
retrieval, documentation, etc. is acceptable (infraction = loss of 1 daily point.)
Students will be on time, with a pencil, and in appropriate clothing for
Students will show respect for themselves and others in class at all
Students will exhibit positive and supportive behavior at all times.
Students will not bring food or drink into the classroom, except water.