Tuesday, September 4, 2018

On Reading the Introduction to Good Clean Fun by Nick Offerman

When you read the "Introduction" to Good Clean Fun by Nick Offerman, take the time to respond, in writing, in your notebook.

At the least, respond to the following quotes and prompts:

Image result for good clean funWhat are the passions of your life? (pg 2)

Do you think you have a work ethic? What is it? Where did it come from? What do you think of it? (pg 4)

“Of course, adversity and necessity can be the cruel mothers of invention, so my fellow woodchucks and I learned tricky ways to achieve every task required of us….” (pg 5)

Think about activities you do (perhaps ones you love; perhaps not) What are your “tolerances” when doing those thing? Here you have to think about what measures of success there are in the activity and how much (or little) your hold yourself to those measures. Try to think and write about more than one activity you are involved in. (pg 6)

“Always maintain the attitude of a student.” (pg 8)

“There will be plenty more concerning the correction of errors.” (pg 9) Do you ever make mistakes? How do you respond? Why?

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