Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Back to School Night: WELCOME

(Not the new shop)

It's a delight to have you here in the Woodshop (aka room #145; aka "The Scene Shop") either in person or virtually.

One of the most important things you should come away with tonight is the address of this blog and my email address:

The most important thing you can take away with you is that my HIGHEST PRIORITY is:


Classroom policies and procedures; a significant portion of the grading in this class; and our class ethos is rooted in safety.

Our Motto is: Carpenters Build Community!

Our Ethos is reflected in the phrase:

We work:
On Time;
On Budget;
According to Plan;

Woods = CTE (Career and Technical Education)

Recent significant investments by the State and Federal Government (and leadership from Dr. Carol Campbell) allow us to give students experiences with real world work and problem solving.

This class is part of the Construction Trades field: Intro to Woods; Intermediate Woods and Construction; Advanced Woods and Construction; Architectural Drafting; and GeoTech, as well as Classroom Mentors and Technical Assistants are part of this program of study. We have a dream of offering boat building in the future, as well. Alex Luboff is the other CTE Certified Teacher.

Students earn a CTE Endorsement who complete Intro to Woods and Intermediate Woods (contrary to my recomendation the cord for this endorsement is not ⅜ inch braided steel).

Students who engage early can work with me to virtually assure themselves a slot in the Carpenters Union Apprenticeship Program.

However, this class is not just focused on helping create qualified candidates for the family wage jobs in Construction (or other trades), this class is a learning lab that teaches:

Problem Solving
Design Thinking
Materials Engineering
Manufacturing Processes
Job Readiness Skills

(... and some basic skills that may negate the necessity of hiring a skilled tradesperson for home repair and updates).

(And cleaning up --- 
though your results at home may vary.)


Students will be provided sufficient materials (and safety equipment) to complete all projects. If students do take care with their materials or wish to persue larger or additional projects a fee will be assessed. All students are required to submit a piece to the Art Show in the spring; they do NOT have                                                       to offer these pieces for sale.

Introductory Projects:
First: a rack for mugs; coats; jewelry
Second: A childrens toy with a moving part
Third: Cutting board

Intermediate Projects:
A mallet;
A box; 
A table.
Other projects for the community as assigned.

Advanced Projects:
Advanced students work with the instructor to design and build projects that teach them new skills and enable them to refine existing skills.

Customs speakers produced by Woods and
Audio Engineering Students with the assistance of
the Maker Space

Grading and Grade Calculation:

Daily Career Related Standards: 60%
Each Student is eligible for 5 points each class period. 

Unexcused absences will result in 0 points for the missed class.
1 point – On time; prepared with appropriate materials; appropriate clothing and footwear.
4 points – Working independently and collaboratively; following shop rules and protocols for safety and material use; using time efficiently. These standards are similar to our Generals Lead Philosophy of Live to Learn; Engage with Purpose; Advocate for Self and Others; and Demonstrate with Passion.

Final Projects and Academic Work: 20%
Major projects will be evaluated for evidence of following and implementing the plan, and for knowledge of the properties of the materials used.

Safety Tests: 10%
All students MUST pass the safety test and demonstration for each tool or machine that they use in the shop. Students may pass the tests in a variety of form; please see the instructor for options when needed. Students MAY use a machine under the direct supervision of the instructor before they pass the test and demo (in fact this is a great way to learn the proper procedures!). Tests and demos are based on proficiency and may be redone.

There is great info (and practice tests online) at Maucks.com/safety.

Note / Design Book: 10%
The note book should include basic knowledge; examples; protocols; procedures; as well as being a vital process of the design process.

Bubble Cabinet and dovetailed box by Zartler

Jamie Zartler
 a 27(?) year veteran of teaching studied fine wood working at North West Wood Working Studio as part of his path to CTE licensure after years of teaching English, Social Studies, and a couple of other things. He currently has all ten fingers (and plans to keep it that way.)

He is best reached at jzartler@pps.net

This Blog is the place for students to see what they have missed, and for parents to respond to the "nothing" a student responds with to the question, "What happened at school today."

There is currently NO materials fee; Thank you voters for Measure 98. Donations are generously accepted; and don't forget the Art Show in the spring. Students are required to submit a piece to the show, but they do NOT have to offer it for sale.

How Can I Help?

Be sure that your child understands the importance of being clear headed in the shop.

Contact Jamie Zartler @ jzartler@pps.net if you have any questions of concerns.

If you need something built: dog house; chicken coop; shed; or a "tiny home / office / retreat from your teen" contact Jamie and see if we can partner.

If you are cutting down a tree, some parts could be of use to the program.

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