Monday, April 8, 2019

April 4-5

The following handout is available in class:
Cutting Board Reflection Name _________________________________________  Date ______________ Period _____

This is a graded academic exercise. Be very specific and give examples as appropriate; many of . Use the question stem (underlined) as part of your answer on lined paper.

A) How do you feel about your experiences making a cutting board? What did you like? Not like? What do you wish had been different?

B) Check which of the following have you done successfully and have gotten checked off in the tracking notebook:



B continued) Have you demonstrated proficiency in the tools expected? Why or why not?

C) What do you like about your cutting board?

D) What do you wish had been / were different about this project?

E) There were six major phases to making a cutting board. Did you get meaningful peer checks and teacher checks at the appropriate time for each phase? Was it helpful? How? Why? Why not?

F) How did you use the protocol? Did you always get an accurate peer check before taking the sheet and your work to Mr. Zartler? Was it helpful? How? Why? Why not?

G) Compare your finished project with your scale drawing design for the project? How well do the two match?  In places where they do not match describe, as well as you can, why there is a mismatch.

H) What did you learn from this project? About woodworking? About making things? About yourself?

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