Thursday, October 4, 2018

Tuesday / Wednesday October 2/ 3

Classes focused on different aspects of broadening and deepening skills; all students focused on developing the ideas for their scale working drawings for their toy project.

Many students will be able to create full scale (1" = 1") drawings of their projects. Students are encouraged to do sketches of the three main views (plan; front and side elevations) before starting the scale drawings because of the interrelated nature of the drawings.

Students were shown the available wheels and axels, and were told to plan for 1/2 inch from any edge to the center of an axel. (3/8 ths of an inch may be acceptable).

Students had opportunities to work on demonstrating proficiency on tools. Students are reminded to maintain safer working conditions; attend to dust collection; and to finish their demos by putting all accessories away properly.

Some students have had (and others will get Thursday and Friday) instruction regarding milling (the use of the jointer, planner, and other machines to get "4 Square" material.

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