Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Thursday 1 November

I apologize, but I am out sick today. 

Please be kind to your sub, and use the period to accomplish academic tasks. 

Learning Objectives:
A) Review / or Study Disc / Belt Sander using handout
B) Begin understanding safer table saw operations
C) Skim the Woods Library, and prepare a mini-book report on at least one title

5th Period:
1) Demonstrate that you learned (or did not learn about sanders). Complete the "Machine Report" handout as best you can with your group; then as a class you will review and revise.

We will test on the sanders next class.

7th and 8th Periods:
1) While watching the videos on sanders complete the study sheet; review with the class after watching the two videos.

Disc and Belt Sander Basics 3:31

Disc and Belt Sander Operations 7:43

ALL Periods (5,7,8)

2) Set up your notebook for a Do / Don't table for studying safety videos on the Table Saw.

Table Saw
General Description:

"Do's"                                            "Don'ts"


Set Up

Reference Surfaces/

Hands / Body


Then you will study the videos.

Some of you have begun to use the table saw with my help, many of you will need to do so in the next couple of weeks. You should be independent on the Table Saw by the end of the month.

3) Wood Working Library inquiry:

Using the handout from your teacher explore the amazing library of wood working; construction; and design books we have. 

Compare and Contrast at least two different volumes and create an analytical chart that you will share with the class over the coming weeks.

The challenge is to find books on a related topic or at least on a topic that is easy to compare and contrast.

Name ___________________________________________ Date ________________ Period ________

You will turn this assignment in at the end of class. You will be evaluated on thoroughness; accuracy; and thoughtfulness of your responses.

Title of Book 1


1st Copy right Date

Impressions from cover (yes I am asking you to judge the book by it’s cover)

What is the purpose of the book?

Skim for interesting or unusual facts; record at least three:

Do you think you would enjoy having dinner with the author? Why or why not?

Title of Book 2


1st Copy right Date

Impressions from cover (yes I am asking you to judge the book by it’s cover)

What is the purpose of the book?

Skim for interesting or unusual facts; record at least three:

Do you think you would enjoy having dinner with the author? Why or why not?

On the back  compare and contrast the two books. How are the similar and different? Which is more interesting to you or which is more useful to you?

Which do you find more interesting and why?  Do you think this book will be useful to you in the future? Why?

How are the similar and different? Which is more interesting to you or which is more useful to you?

Which do you find more interesting and why?  Do you think this book will be useful to you in the future? Why?

October 30-31

Quarter Grades have been posted.

If you did not have a complete notebook, or if you did not turn your notebook in you may revise and update and resubmit it. Your dedicated wood working notebook should include the following:

 o Wood Moves
 o Grain Diagram
 o Clamping Diagram
 o 3-D Visualization Notes
 o Saws Chart
 o Examples of Side Elevation; Front Elevation; Plan
 o Short Grain Failure notes
 o Board feet calculation
 o Lamination Chart
 o Toy Plan

In class we discussed improved note taking strategies:
Titling and labeling notes;
Using empty space / labels / and lines to organize notes.
"Processing your notes" (think about Cornell Notes strategies ... and...) Noting: Applications for the information; asking Why? or When? the information applies; asking "Do I understand?".
Annotating illustrations and diagrams.

Most classes viewed on machine sanders (7th and 8th period had technical difficulties and will do this on Thursday).

Mr. Zartler demoed the spindle sander and the disc / belt sander.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

October 22-26

Learning Objectives for the Week

Students were urged to check Synergy and the Skills notebook for completeness and accuracy.

Students had time to consult with Mr. Zartler about toy and blank design, and to have complete designs (once in their notebooks) entered in the grade book.

Students had time to test, study for tests, get tutoring, and to demonstrate machine use.

Students should have a glued up blank by the end of the week.

Students will be asked to submit their notebooks for a quarterly review on the last day of class for the week.

October 15-19

Class learning objectives for the week are:

Understand how to create a "blank" for your toy.

Demonstrate successful testing and demonstrations on drill press; chop (miter) saw; and band saw.

Complete 3 scale views of toy design and a plan to create an appropriate blank.

Students had time to work on these objectives in class.

Blank Glue Up Information and Instructions

Class received a lesson in fractions, and created a chart to help understand how to glue up a "blank" to make the toy from.

The wood available in class starts as "4/4" lumber (e.g. rough lumber that is 15/16ths of an inch thick.) After being milled to square the lumber become between 3/4" and 7/8" thick. So in order to make a blank two or more boards of these thicknesses must be glued together.

Glueing Up a Blank

Wood glue requires to flat surfaces to be glued together under pressure. Clamps create a 90 degree cone of force. When glueing panels together it is often / usually necessary to use cauls in order to create cones wide enough to provide pressure all over the blank.

It is VITAL to practice a glue up before actually spreading the glue. It is super helpful to have a classmate standing by to help you, both with the practice, and with the actual glue up.

Squeeze out must be removed 30 minutes after clamp pressure is applied.

Don't attempt to get something glued up with less that 45 minutes of class time.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Toy Build Over-arching Learning Objectives

Toy Design and Build Learning Objectives:

Make and follow Scale drawings
Design a toy of an appropriate size and shapes for a target child
Plan an economical use of wood to produce the toy
Plan for a properly glued up blank (face to face; edge to edge)
Glue up blank with clamps spaced for 90 degree cones of pressure
Safely and Correctly Use: Miter Saw; Band Saw; Drill Press;
Power Sanding Machines; files, rasps, and other appropriate tools to shape toy.
Create a toy with a smooth finish
Apply a mineral oil finish to seal wood.