Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16-17

Welcome to 4th Quarter

We will need to remain flexible, as the tools recently delivered arrived damaged.

If you did NOT turn in your cutting board last week (a week after due date), your grade for the quarter is an F. I will evaluate and input the grade you earned as soon as possible; grades for the semester are cumulative. You may come in at flex time to work on your cutting board.


Sandpaper is a tool.
Sandpaper makes fine dust that is bad for us; NO sanding without dust collection (running vacuum).

Tools are tools: and they need to be cared for. The missing glue scrapper was recently located in a drawer labeled "Files" which contained nothing but files and the missing glue scraper.

You will be given a test on the Jointer next class.

Demonstrating your understanding of, and ability to follow processes will be a more important part of your grade this coming quarter. (Keep your notes and design work to turn in!)

CLEAN UP needs work. We will have less time to work until cleaning become more thorough; this is no fun for me; please help my life be funner by cleaning up appropriately.

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