Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday / Tuesday December 3 /4

Students were given demonstrations on how to apply mineral oil finish.

The self-evaluation for this project is due as follows:

Toy Build Self-evaluation
Include your full name; date; and period: Be sure to include you scale plans for this project.

This project is graded on completeness; effort; thought; and whether and how you use this self-evaluation to continue and deepen your learning.

You were allowed to make many decisions about this project.

1) Begin your self-evaluation by describing A) what you wanted to make; B) why you wanted to make it; and C) what qualities you wanted your project to have (or not have).

2) Compare your finished project with your scale drawing design for the project? A) How well do the two match? B) In places where they do not match describe, as well as you can, why there is a mismatch.

3) Your toy was supposed to A) have moving part(s); B) Be designed to be appropriate for a specific age range. Describe how your project did or did not meet these requirements.

4) Make objective observations about your project: what can one see; feel; hear; taste(?) in regards to the quality of the project.

5) Describe any personal aspects of success, failure, and learning that relate to your completion of this project.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Monday / Tuesday November 27/28

Students completed a review quiz. Students need to pass the quiz with 100% or provide complete explanations for answers that needed to be corrected before returning to machine and tool operations.

There will be other similar quizes to help students prepare for the final exam.

Students were introduced to "Ebonizing" a technique in which iron oxide and tannin is used to chemical change wood to black.

All toys are due to be completed BEFORE winter break. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Conferences November 19-20

Introduction to Wood Construction

Jamie Zartler

This blog:

Current Machine Proficiency Requirements:
Band Saw; Miter Saw; Drill Press;

Next set required (before Winter Break):

Table Saw; Planner;

Thursday, November 15, 2018

November 15-16

Class began with a brainstorm of things you have learned so far this quarter; make a detailed list (use your bench mates to brainstorm). We will be gone from class for a week, reviewing this list when we return may help you remember something you shouldn't forget!

Students were offered the opportunity to sign up for the Construction Project Management Build & Design Career Day hosted by Howard S. Wright Construction on December 6th. See Mr. Zartler or Ms. Kokes for more information.

Synergy is up to date with tests and demos. Please check your progress; you should be independent on the Band Saw; Drill Press; and Miter Saw.

When we return from break students will have more opportunities to demonstrate proficiency on the machine sanders. 

We will begin testing on the Table Saw.

13-14 November

We are continuing work on our toys this week.

You should have passed the test on machine sanders, if you have not, study and retake.

You should  have studied the videos on safer table saw operations. This week you should seek an opportunity to use the table saw with Mr. Zartler's direct supervision.

You should have a toy with axel holes drilled, and a rough shape cut out by the end of the week.

6/7 November

This week we will be working to make progress on our toys.

Once your blank is made,

Production should follow this order:

1) flatten bottom (see Zartler for this)

2) Layout toy design on blank

3) Drill for wheels, etc.

4) Define shape (usually bandsaw work; maybe table saw work)

5) Refine shape (usually files; or rasps; but see Zartler for advice and tutoring)

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Thursday 1 November

I apologize, but I am out sick today. 

Please be kind to your sub, and use the period to accomplish academic tasks. 

Learning Objectives:
A) Review / or Study Disc / Belt Sander using handout
B) Begin understanding safer table saw operations
C) Skim the Woods Library, and prepare a mini-book report on at least one title

5th Period:
1) Demonstrate that you learned (or did not learn about sanders). Complete the "Machine Report" handout as best you can with your group; then as a class you will review and revise.

We will test on the sanders next class.

7th and 8th Periods:
1) While watching the videos on sanders complete the study sheet; review with the class after watching the two videos.

Disc and Belt Sander Basics 3:31

Disc and Belt Sander Operations 7:43

ALL Periods (5,7,8)

2) Set up your notebook for a Do / Don't table for studying safety videos on the Table Saw.

Table Saw
General Description:

"Do's"                                            "Don'ts"


Set Up

Reference Surfaces/

Hands / Body


Then you will study the videos.

Some of you have begun to use the table saw with my help, many of you will need to do so in the next couple of weeks. You should be independent on the Table Saw by the end of the month.

3) Wood Working Library inquiry:

Using the handout from your teacher explore the amazing library of wood working; construction; and design books we have. 

Compare and Contrast at least two different volumes and create an analytical chart that you will share with the class over the coming weeks.

The challenge is to find books on a related topic or at least on a topic that is easy to compare and contrast.

Name ___________________________________________ Date ________________ Period ________

You will turn this assignment in at the end of class. You will be evaluated on thoroughness; accuracy; and thoughtfulness of your responses.

Title of Book 1


1st Copy right Date

Impressions from cover (yes I am asking you to judge the book by it’s cover)

What is the purpose of the book?

Skim for interesting or unusual facts; record at least three:

Do you think you would enjoy having dinner with the author? Why or why not?

Title of Book 2


1st Copy right Date

Impressions from cover (yes I am asking you to judge the book by it’s cover)

What is the purpose of the book?

Skim for interesting or unusual facts; record at least three:

Do you think you would enjoy having dinner with the author? Why or why not?

On the back  compare and contrast the two books. How are the similar and different? Which is more interesting to you or which is more useful to you?

Which do you find more interesting and why?  Do you think this book will be useful to you in the future? Why?

How are the similar and different? Which is more interesting to you or which is more useful to you?

Which do you find more interesting and why?  Do you think this book will be useful to you in the future? Why?