Monday, May 18, 2020 has MOVED to!

If you are looking for the information on the amazing website you need to go to the new website


Monday, March 30, 2020

Moving to Google Classroom!

Dear Students and Families; Due to recent events, I'll be learning how to communicate via Google Classroom. 

Stay tuned...

Monday, March 23, 2020

Food over the spring break pause in PPS meal service

If you were counting on PPS breakfast and lunches here is a link to some alternatives.

If these don't meet you needs, please reach out to me, and I'll lend a hand.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Friday, March 6

Folks, please do a General's job of working with Ms. Gotch, my substitute today.

Image result for adam savage of mythbustersAt the bottom of this post is a copy of the handout you will use to guide your learning while watching some videos produced by Adam Savage, who you may recognize from Myth Busters.

Savage worked as a model maker on famous movies such as Star Wars, and is a famous "maker." Today's videos come from a Youtube Channel called Tested. All the videos below are on this playlist.

You will be viewing six segments of the playlist (1,2,4,5,6,7 of 9). For each segment there is a learning target or thinking activity provided below. You will turn this completed sheet in to the teacher at the end of the lesson for a grade so be thorough and write thoughtful and complete answers.

Name _____________________________________ Date ______________________ Period ____

Viewing Guide: Adam Savages Tested Tour of Smithsonian

You will be viewing six segments of a playlist (1,2,4,5,6,7 of 9). For each segment there is a learning target or thinking activity provided below. You will turn this completed sheet in to the teacher at the end of the lesson for a grade so be thorough and write thoughtful and complete answers.

#1 Tour of Smithsonian Exhibit’s Fabrication Shop (10 min)
Similarities to Our Shop (list many)
Differences from Our Shop (many or few?)

#2 The 3D Printing and Modelmaking Shop at Smithsonian Exhibits! (25 min)
How is this shop different than our shop? 

Do you think you would prefer working in this kind of shop or our kind of shop, why? Do you enjoy technology based making or hand making more, why?

#4 The Youngest Modelmaker at Smithsonian Exhibits (10 min)
What were some key things Willow did to get their dream job?

#5 About Smithsonian Exhibits (12 min)
List two or three challenges and ways those challenges are solved:

#6 How Smithsonian Uses Replicas to Tell Stories (7 min)
  1.   Before viewing this section answer the following question: Do you think a replica means as much as an historical object, why?

B ) After viewing this segment explain how and why your thinking has or has not changed?

#7 Smithsonian Exhibits’ Installations Process (8 min)
How is installation a challenge?  Would you like being an installer, why?

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Thursday, March 4th 6th Period

Apologies: we've had a minor emergency in my family, and I will not be in until 7th period today.

Everyone is going to be ok, but I can't get to school until after your class.

Your jobs today are:

#1) Finish your plan ....

#2 Create a timeline for what you plan to accomplish each day you have to work on your toy, and connect the rubric for the toy to what you will be doing on that day. For example: co-planarity on the rubric will come on the day you drill the holes for your axels.  This timeline can be general and should have some time built in for unforeseeable emergencies such as this one.

Remember shaping starts with rough sawing, and gets smoother and smoother, and so will likely take several class.

#3 Study for how to most safely use machine sanders

March 1-2

As glue ups happen, students are reminded to use a flat refernce surface to ensure a flat, long grain edge.

Mr. Zartler has been jointing one edge, and students should be squaring up their blanks using rip and cross cuts on the table saw.

Mr. Zartler demonstrated how to wrap a line (such as for axel holes, around a blank using a square, and a sharp pencil.